NXI-6200-4/16 is a 16-bit 4-channel analogue output module. The output specification can be selected from 0~10V, -10V~+10V, 0~20mA, 4~20mA
NXI-6200-4/16 Analog Output Card
NXI-6201 Programmable Analog Output Card
NXI-6201-4/16 is a 16-bit 4-channel analogue output card. The voltage accuracy is as high as 0.03%+0.02%F.S.
NXI-6400-1000/10 DC Voltage and Current Measurement Card
NXI-6400-1000/10 is a high accuracy DC voltage and current measurement module, its measurement accuracy and range are comparable to mainstream 6½ digit multimeters on the market
NXI-6500-16 Thermocouple Temperature Acquisition Card
NXI-6500-16 is a multi-channel, highly integrated thermocouple temperature acquisition module that supports K, J, E, S, T, R, N and other thermocouple sensors and multi-channel polling
NXI-6700-4 Multi-Channel DC Voltage Measurement Card
NXI-6700-4 is a multi-channel, high-accuracy DC voltage measurement module. Single module supports 4 channel synchronous voltage measurement
NXI-6701-4 Multi-Channel DC Current Measurement Card
NXI-6701-4 is a multi-channel, high-accuracy DC current measurement module. Single module supports 4 channel synchronous current measurement